"I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes"
"I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes"
Words and music written by Cindy Spellbrink in the early 90's. New Jerusalem Singers from Springfield IL recorded this song in 2013. To record this song please contact Cindy at newjerusalemsingers@gmail.com​
"I Will Trust In The Lord"
"I Will Trust In The Lord"
I Will Trust In The Lord - written by Cindy Spellbr​ink in Nov. 1986 and sang by Ray & Cindy Spellbrink at Atterberry Community Baptist Church 3/18/18​
We are released a new CD in March 2021. "In The Garden". We had a hymn CD released in 2018 titled, "Traveling On". We have recorded many CD's in the past and as we sell out we usually do not re-release them. Also on our table we have "Redeemed!" which was released Sept. 21, 2013. On June 28, 2014 we released our CD "Lifting Up Jesus For 25 Years. This is a 3 Disc CD (50 songs) and covers the past 25 years with songs we have recorded throughout the past 25 years, others have recorded of us and also includes some never released songs. We have a piano CD recorded by Cindy and 2 CD's which includes hymns and songs written by Ray & Cindy - these are "From The Archives Vol. 1 & 2". All CD's are available for a donation.
We are released a new CD in March 2021. "In The Garden". We had a hymn CD released in 2018 titled, "Traveling On". We have recorded many CD's in the past and as we sell out we usually do not re-release them. Also on our table we have "Redeemed!" which was released Sept. 21, 2013. On June 28, 2014 we released our CD "Lifting Up Jesus For 25 Years. This is a 3 Disc CD (50 songs) and covers the past 25 years with songs we have recorded throughout the past 25 years, others have recorded of us and also includes some never released songs. We have a piano CD recorded by Cindy and 2 CD's which includes hymns and songs written by Ray & Cindy - these are "From The Archives Vol. 1 & 2". All CD's are available for a donation.
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On our Facebook page and you can see where we will be singing or what is happening with New Jerusalem Singers. (Our schedule tab has iour fill schedule). You will see some videos from our living room. During the quarantine from March 2019 until we were able to get back on the road we started a weekly sing on Thursdays on facebook. Be sure to like our page or follow us
On our YouTube page you will see a variety of videos from our sings.
We hope to be uploading more as we go along.
This is a good place to go if you want to see what we sound like.